March 16, 2013

Walkthrough: Reversion Chapter 2: The Meeting


- Left click on the screen where you want to move Christian.

- To interact with a hotspot, [left click + hold] the mouse button on it.

- Depending on the object, you can TALK TO, LOOK AT and/or USE IT.

- Right click to bring up the inventory.

- Left click to select an inventory object, then left click on a screen hotspot to use it.

- LOOK AT inventory objects by [left click + hold] the mouse button on it.

- Inventory objects CAN be combined with each other.

- Objects cannot be collected till there is a reason to do so.

- Talk repeatedly to people as dialog options are added without notice.

- Double-click exits to immediately leave a scene.

- Use the GPS to navigate around the city.

- There is an icon on top left of screen to reveal all hotspots.

- The HINT button on top left of screen that tells you what to do next.

- Press 'ESC' to bring up the menu, and SAVE the game from there.

- This is a linear game and tasks must be done in a set order.



Victoria gives a GPS device to Christian.

LOOK at the mysterious man peeking out behind the telephone booth.

TALK to the mysterious man: choose option about Victoria telling Christian to meet...

A subway map is added to the inventory.

TAKE the wires hanging in front of the telephone booth.

Exit to the Metro station (enter the subway).

SUBWAY STATION | screenshot

LOOK at the red trashcan on the wall.

A screwdriver is added to the inventory.

WALK all the way to the right.

TAKE the shovel below the map signboard.

INVENTORY: LOOK at the subway map.

Christian has to take the tracks going to Leandro Alem.

LOOK at the overhead sign listing the tracks.

The Metro B Line (Andenes) goes to N L Alem.

Click right to use the Metro B Line.


Refer to the hand-drawn arrows on the map to navigate this section.

1. Christian is at Carlos Pellegrini.

2. WALK two screens to the right to Florida.

3. USE the lever on Florida screen. Christian will comment if its correct.

4. WALK one screen to the left of Florida.

5. USE the lever on the screen [has a step ladder] | screenshot

6. WALK three screen to the right to Leandro.

7. USE the lever on Leandro screen [called ALEM].

8. WALK one screen to the left of Leandro.

9. USE the lever.

Automatically enter the tunnel.


TAKE a blank paper sheet from the carton / box at left.

TAKE the hammer and nails on the wooden carton.

TALK into the intercom on the wall at the right of the door.

Choose option about Victoria sending Christian.

INVENTORY: Use the screwdriver with the electric panel.

TAKE the burnt battery.

EXIT the hideout by walking left.

EXIT the subway station.

EXIT left to the city.

The GPS comes on automatically. Choose the hospital.


EXIT up using the rope.

EXIT the hospital room by the door.

In the hallway, ENTER the bathroom (door with the note).

TAKE the crowbar on the floor.

TAKE the laxative bottle (jar) beside the sink.

EXIT the bathroom.

In the hallway, ENTER the warehouse (the open door).

TAKE the floor wiper (dryer).

EXIT the warehouse.

In the hallway, ENTER the hospital room.

EXIT the room using the window.

EXIT to the city via left.

In the GPS, choose the Obelisk.


INVENTORY: Use the crowbar with the car trunk / hood.

There is a battery inside.

INVENTORY: Use the lubricant oil with the battery.

INVENTORY: Use the screwdriver with the battery.

TAKE the battery.

ENTER the subway. EXIT right to Pablo's hideout.


INVENTORY: Use the battery with the electrical panel.

INVENTORY: Use the wires with the electrical panel.

TALK into the intercom.

ENTER the hideout.


TALK to Pablo. Ask about everything. Ask about man in photo.

Secret graveyard (wasteland) is added to GPS.

TAKE a toffee / candy (alfajor) from the box on the floor.

EXIT the hideout. EXIT the subway station. EXIT to the city.

In the GPS, choose the wasteland.


INVENTORY: Use the floor wiper.

The wiper head and a stick are added to the inventory.

INVENTORY: Use the stick with the shovel.

A loose shovel is added to the inventory.

INVENTORY: Use the hammer and nails with the loose shovel.

A reinforced shovel is added to the inventory.

INVENTORY: Use the shovel with any grave.

The first grave you dig, whichever it is, will be empty.

INVENTORY: Use the shovel with the second grave.

The second grave you dig, will have a military uniform.

A sheet of paper with an address (Pasco) is added to the inventory.

EXIT the graveyard.

In the GPS, choose the Pasco house.


TALK to Maria about everything.

Tell her that her boyfriend might be in hiding.

A photo is added to the inventory.

EXIT to the city.

In the GPS, choose the hospital.


Go up to the room.

INVENTORY: Use the photo with the badly injured patient.

EXIT the hospital.

In the GPS, choose the Pasco house.


TALK to Maria. Tell her you found her boyfriend.

TAKE the flashlight.

EXIT to the city.

In the GPS, choose the wasteland.


INVENTORY: Use the shovel with the third grave.

An identifcation document is added to the inventory.

EXIT the graveyard.

In the GPS, choose the Lima 53 house.


INVENTORY: Use the syringe with the laxative bottle.

INVENTORY: Use the syringe with laxative with the candy (alfajor).

INVENTORY: Use the alfajor with laxative with the chubby guard.

INVENTORY: Use the crowbar with the blocked door.

ENTER the abandoned house.


TAKE the lightbulb (UV bulb) from the lamp on the bookshelf.

USE the left-most painting on the wall.

USE the rupture in the big red couch.

TAKE the key on the floor.

INVENTORY: Use the key with the drawer at left.

LOOK at the papers in the drawer. Numbers: 5829.

LOOK at the safe under the left-most painting.

TYPE in the code: 5829.

TAKE the evidence and intel documents.

Blueprints, intel documents, and money are added to the inventory.

EXIT the house. EXIT to the city.

In the GPS, choose the Obelisk.

PABLO'S HIDEOUT | screenshot

INVENTORY: Use the UV bulb with the lamp.

EXIT the hideout. EXIT to the city.

In the GPS, choose the Engineering Faculty.


LOOK at the painting / graffiti on the wall: lambda (Greek alphabet)

TAKE the sheet of paper on the ground in front of the lambda.


ENTER the building.


TAKE the sheet of paper from in front of the right side elevator.

INVENTORY: LOOK at the sheet of paper: rho (Greek alphabet)

LOOK at the poster on the wall: pi (Greek alphabet)

LOOK at the symbol on the rear left wall: omega (Greek alphabet)

The Greek alphabets are: lambda, rho, pi, omega.

NOTE the janitor says, "pi comes first".

EXIT to the lower floor by left-side staircase.

MOVE the flashlight beam to the right side of the screen.

USE the light switch.

USE the shutter switch on the left side.

EXIT to the other side | screenshot

TAKE the gloves on the railing.

Return to the room.

TAKE the shutter switch key.

INVENTORY: Use the serum holder with the fan.

The elevator key is added to the inventory.

EXIT to the lobby / entrance.

INVENTORY: Use the elevator key with the left side elevator.

INVENTORY: Use the gloves with the opened elevator.

INVENTORY: Use the shutter key with the switch on the right wall.

USE the unlocked box at left.

LOOK at the keypad.

Correct code: pi, omega, rho, lambda | screenshot

Go down the steps. ENTER the tunnel. NOTE the padlock.

EXIT to the lobby / entrance.

TAKE the padlock breaker from the box in front of the middle elevator.

INVENTORY: Use the gloves with the left elevator.

Go down the steps. ENTER the tunnel.

INVENTORY: Use the padlock breaker with the padlock.

ENTER the tunnel.

ENTER the left side tunnel, with the red cable going in.

Move the flashlight beam along the top to track the cables.

ENTER the right side tunner, with the red cable going in.

OPEN the door. ENTER the laboratory.

Watch the cutscene.

AFTER the credits, watch the cutscene with the villain.

To be continued in Reversion Chapter 3.

Ciao for now!

This is an original walkthrough written by me. Please do not distribute the text and images without my written consent.