November 12, 2009

Walkthrough: CSI: NY Episode 3: Off The Mark


You can skip two mini-games in each scene. There are two lights next to a Skip button on each mini-game that shows the status of skipped games. Skipping games will get you lower ratings at the end.

Click on underlined text in conversations to pursue topics. Completed topics will change colour from pink to white.

Drag items from the inventory to a person to ask questions about them.

Your Credibility depends on which questions and objects (and sometimes which part of a particular object) you choose to ask the suspect about. Your credibility decreases if you ask irrelevant questions.

You can only save in one slot you when exit the game.

This game is lucid and reasonable enough to finish without any hints if you’re an experienced adventure / puzzle / HOG gamer.


You play as Detective Stella Bonasera. The game starts at Nightmare Pete's Coney Island Show.

Scene 1: Nightmare Pete's Main Stage

Relevant Items:
Victim's Body (2 Photos), Sword, Rope, Posters, Torn Poster Edge

Click here for the screenshot.

Mini-game: Photo Shoot

Take photos of the victim. Click various parts of the body with the 'camera'. The right parts will develop into photos. The two photos are:

1. Click the white patch near her neck
2. Click the left eye of the victim

Click here for the solution.

Mini-game: Bloody Sword

Take a swab of the blood on the sword tip. Click the swab and keep the mouse pressed to draw an outline around the bloodstain.

Click here for the solution.

Mini-game: Sword Handle Fingerprints

Move the brush over the sword till the fingerprint shows up. Then click the white tape at the bottom left of the screen and click the print to capture it. Be very quick!

Click here for the solution.

Click the rope in the inventory. Click the mask at the top left of stage.

The curtains draw aside to reveal two posters.

Mini-game: Poster Differences

Find 9 differences between to two posters.

Click here for the solution.

Talk to Nightmare Pete:

1. 'alternate acts': He and Virginia are both cast and crew of the show.
2. 'the mark': Archie Fox, the lone audience member.
3. 'last night': Virginia and Pete went to his house at 8 last night.

Show Pete the torn poster edge, click the 'Fire Eater' logo: He says he's stopped doing fire eating.

Show Pete the sword: He says it's his, and gives it for evidence.

Exit the conversation.

Scene 2: Side Door, Seating Area

Relevant Items:
8 Photos, Candy Box, Plank

Click here for the screenshot.

Mini-game: Open The Candy Box

This is a semi-logical puzzle open the locked candy box. Mark the locks as 1, 2, 3, and 4 from left to right. The box opens if the locks are clicked in this order: 1, 2, 1, 3, 4. This puzzle may have multiple solutions.

Click here for the solution.

Talk to Virginia Dentata:

1. 'audience': She talks about the poor audience attendance.
2. 'nightmares': She means the death of the young woman on the stage.

Show Virginia the photo with the victim's neck, click the label: She says it's an expensive brand not found in Coney Island.

Show Virginia the torn poster edge, click the 'Fire Eater' logo: First she says they never had a fire eater, then says Pete used to do it.

Show Virginia the photographs: She says Archie Fox took them.

Show Virginia the broken plank: She says homeless people often break their door, and it was broken today also.

Exit the conversation.

Talk to Archie Fox:

1. 'came here': He says he does odd jobs for this family.
2. 'real': He says he didn't realise the body was real.
3. 'dead lady': This is the first time he's seen a real dead body.

Show Archie the photographs: He gives up the rest of the photos.

Show Archie the candy box: He says it's his.

Show Archie the torn poster edge, click the 'Fire Eater' logo: He didn't see that act.

Exit the conversation.

Scene 3: Morgue

The clothes didn't fit the victim and her makeup wasn't right.

Mini-game: Autopsy

Click the sparkling area near the mid-section of the body to bring up a close-up. Hover the magnifying glass over the body to find 1 irregularity. That's the needle mark on her neck.

Click here for the solution.

Scene 4: Crime Lab

Click the top right monitor: Chemical Analysis

Mini-game: Lethal Injection

Click the tweezers to grab and drag the molecules swirling in the centre to their boxes on the sides till three molecules are left.

Click here for the solution.

Benzene, sodium hydroxide and boric acid present in the injection.

Click the bottom left monitor: Fingerprints

Mini-game: Victim's Prints

Drag the correct fingerprint fragments from the right to the sample on the left to reconstruct the print.

Click here for the solution.

The victim is a local prostitute named Bunny.

Click the bottom right monitor: Photo Analysis

Mini-game: Find The Differences

To find 6 differences between Archie Fox's photo (left) and Hawkes' photo (right) of the crime scene.

Click here for the solution.

The shovel is missing.

The blood on the sword was Bunny's, and the fingerprint was Pete's.

Scene 5: Nightmare Pete's Main Stage

Talk to Virginia Dentata:

1. 'stress relief': She knows some relaxation techniques.
2. 'travels': She was raised an orphan and traveled the world.

Show Virginia the photo with the victim's neck, click the label: She says it's an expensive brand not found in Coney Island.

Show Virginia the photographs, click on the shovel at the left of the photo: She says Pete took the shovel to the dumpster at the back just before the Detectives visited the scene the first time.

Show Virginia the torn poster edge, click the 'Fire Eater' logo: First she says they never had a fire eater, then says Pete used to do it.

Exit the conversation.

Scene 6: Back Alley

Relevant Items:

Click here for the screenshot.

Click the sparkling dumpster at the back of the alley.

Mini-game: Unlock The Dumpster

The keys have to be pressed in the right sequence to open the dumpster. This is quite obvious - press the numbers in the order of standard cards:

A, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, J, Q, K

Click here for the screenshot.

Inside The Dumpster:

Move the pizza box and the tyre to reveal the shovel.

Click here for the screenshot.

Click the shovel.

Mini-game: Shovel Fingerprints

Move the brush over the shovel till the fingerprint shows up. Then click the white tape and click the print to capture it.

Click here for the solution.

Mini-game: Shovel Powder Sample

Take a swab of the powder on the shovel. Click the swab and keep the mouse pressed to draw an outline around the powder.

Click here for the solution.

Scene 7: Crime Lab

Click the top right monitor: Chemical Analysis

Mini-game: Shovel Powder

Click the tweezers to grab and drag the molecules swirling in the centre to their boxes on the sides till one molecule is left.

Click here for the solution.

The powder is limestone.

Click the bottom right monitor: Website Analysis

Mini-game: Pete's Web Analysis Part 1

The names of the items silhouetted in the inventory have to be found in the text. The two items are:

Mind (line 5), Blade (last line) - from top.

Click here for the solution.

Mini-game: Pete's Web Analysis Part 2

The names of the items silhouetted in the inventory have to be found in the text. The three items are:

Ticket (line 7), Flame (line 5) - from top.

Click 'here' in the last line to go to the next page.

Wonder Wheel (line 2) - from top.

Click here and here for the solutions.

Click the bottom left monitor: Fingerprints

Mini-game: Shovel Prints

Drag the correct fingerprint fragments from the right to the sample on the left to reconstruct the print.

Click here for the solution.

The print belongs to Vince Martinelli, a history-sheeter with cases of domestic violence and prostitute solicitation.

Scene 8: Ferris Wheel At Coney Island Boardwalk

Relevant Items:

Click here for the screenshot.

Talk to Vince Martinelli, former fire-eater at Pete's:

1. 'third wheel': It was initially Vince and Pete, then Virginia joined and took over the show.
2. 'outlast Virginia': Pete blackmailed Vince to stay in the show, but he eventually left anyway.
3. 'that body': Pete's show would probably shut down now.

Show Vince the shovel: He says he helped Pete scrape some junk a few weeks ago.

Show Vince the torn poster edge: He says he quit to join a new show.

Exit the conversation.

Scene 9: Crime Lab

Click the top right monitor: Limestone Delivery Routes

Mini-game: Limey!

Draw a line to match the limestone supplier in New York with the Coney Island delivery sign-in.

Click here for the solution.

Scene 10: Construction Site At Fantastic Park

Relevant Items:
Shovel Head, Shovel Arm, Burial Pit

Click here for the screenshot.

Click the shovel head in the inventory.

Click the sparkling shovel arm at the extreme left of the screen.

Click the completed shovel. Click the burial pit at bottom left.

There's murder #2!

Mini-game: Photo Shoot Part 2

Take photos of the victim's body. Click on various parts of the body with the 'camera'. The two photos are:

1. Click the left eye of the victim
2. Click the white label at the back of her dress

Click here for the solution.

Talk to Lucas Trenton, owner of Fantastica:

1. 'new low': The site is filled with prostitutes and criminals.
2. 'not be scared away': He wants to rebuild Coney Island.
3. 'this place': He says that Coney Island was once a vibrant location.

Show Trenton the limestone: He says the delivery was a week earlier, and that the body had to have been buried after that.

Show Trenton the candy box: He does not know anything about it.

Exit the conversation.

Scene 11: Crime Lab

Click the bottom left monitor: Fingerprints

Mini-game: Victim #2 Prints

Drag the correct fingerprint fragments from the right to the sample on the left to reconstruct the print.

Click here for the solution.

The victim is Monica Green, another prostitute. A serial killer?

Vince lied about the limestone and has a relevant rap sheet. So...

Scene 12: Interrogation Of Vince Martinelli

1. 'girls': Vince doesn't care about hookers enough to kill them.
2. 'Virginia': He says Virginia is a rich girl named 'Vanessa Dalton'.

Show Vince the shovel: He admits to burying a dead body at the construction site to help Pete out.

Show Vince Monica's photo: He identifies her as the dead girl.

Show Vince the torn poster edge: He says he enjoyed being a fire-eater before all the politics happened.

Exit the conversation.

Scene 13: Crime Lab

Click the bottom right monitor: Research

Mini-game: Find 'Vanessa Dalton'

The names of the items silhouetted in the inventory have to be found in the text. The items are:

Currency (line 1), Keys (line 7), Test Tubes (line 11), Trophy (line 5), Run (last line) - from top.

Click here for the solution.

Scene 14: Nightmare Pete's Main Stage

Talk to Virginia / Vanessa:

1. 'forgot': Pete told her to forget about Vince once he quit.
2. 'Vince': She says Vince never fitted in at Nightmare Pete's.

Show Virginia the diploma: She says she's trying to make Nightmare Pete's a profitable business venture to impress her father that she can be a successful businesswoman while being in the performing arts.

Virginia gives a program showing that she was at an alumni event the previous evening.

Which leaves Pete without an alibi.

Exit the conversation.

Scene 15: Interrogation Of Nightmare Pete

Show Pete Virginia's alumni event program: He is shocked and insists it's impossible.

Show Pete Virginia's degree: He's shocked again but still maintains he was with her the previous night.

Show Pete Monica's photo: He admits to burying her body with Vince's help.

Show Pete the shovel: He admits it's his.

On being told that Virginia has dumped him and moved on, Pete gets upset and confesses to the murders, saying that he killed the girls by shoving swords down their throats.

Only, he doesn't know that that's not how they died!

Exit the conversation.

Scene 16: Morgue

Click the large monitor on the left.

Mini-game: Stomach This

To find 8 differences between the victim's stomach (left) and a normal stomach (right).

Click here for the solution.

Monica's stomach was full of hard candies.

Scene 17: Crime Lab

Click the bottom right monitor: Microscopic Analysis

Mini-game: Hard Candy

Rotate the 5 knobs at the base of the microscope till the right side image matches the left side image. Click the yellow 'arm' of the knobs to rotate. Each circle clicks into place when correct. Start with the innermost or the outermost and work towards the opposite end.

Click here for the solution.

Click the bottom left monitor: Brand Match

Mini-game: Fashion Faux Pas

Match the brand logo on the left with the store that sells the brand Bunny was wearing: Bonatella.

Click here for the solution.

Scene 18: Interrogation Of Archie Fox

1. 'voracious': He can't control his impulses.
2. 'uncle says': His 'Uncle Luke' asked him to spy on Nightmare Pete's.

Show Archie the sweet: He says his uncle gets them from London.

Show Archie Monica's photo: She looks like the girl on the stage.

Show Archie the candy box: He says they are his favourite.

Exit the conversation.

Lucas Trenton bought the same clothes at Bonatella's that were found on the victims.

Scene 19: Lucas Trenton's Office

Relevant Items:
Blueprint, Vial & Syringe, Lipstick

Click here for the screenshot.

The blueprint is not part of the items to be found, so this took a bit of random clicking around.

Mini-game: Circuit Connect

This is a pipes-based game. Rotate the cable pieces by clicking them till the circuit is complete from the top right corner tile to the various end-points.

Click here for the solution.

Click the lipstick and the vial & syringe.

Scene 20: Crime Lab

Click the top right monitor: Chemical Analysis

Mini-game: Lipstick Match

Click the tweezers to grab and drag the DNA swirling in the centre to their boxes on the sides till two DNA are left.

Click here for the solution.

The lipstick was used by both victims.

Click the bottom left monitor: Chemical Analysis

Mini-game: Syringe Toxin Match

Click the tweezers to grab and drag the molecules swirling in the centre to their boxes on the sides till three molecules are left.

Click here for the solution.

The contents of the vial & syringe match the poison used to kill the girls.

Scene 21: Interrogation Of Lucas Trenton

1. 'work to do': He wants to complete the construction of Fantastica.
2. 'family': He says he has a few nephews, and that Archie is unstable.

Show Lucas the sweet: He says they are his favourite treat.

Show Lucas the lipstick: He says it's some trash he picked up.

Show Lucas the syringe & vial: He says some drug addict must be using his office to shoot up.

Show Lucas the candy box: He says someone stole it from his office.

Exit the conversation.

Another case closed!

Ciao for now!

This is an original walkthrough written by me. Please do not distribute / adapt the text and images in any way without my written consent.