March 23, 2012
Walkthrough: Yesterday
Someone has been killing the homeless in New York. Henry, a volunteer of the welfare organisation, Les Enfants de Don Quichotte, is asked by his boss to continue their work to rehabilitate the homeless despite the obvious dangers.
LOOK at the rubble in the middle of the left wall.
There is a suitcase trapped in it.
ENTER the train compartment at right.
TAKE the empty can below the seat at front right.
TAKE the electrical cable at front left.
TAKE the iron rod below the seat beside the mannequin.
EXIT the train compartment via the door at rear left.
INVENTORY: Use the cable with the suitcase trapped in the rubble.
The cable is now wrapped around the pillar.
INVENTORY: Use the iron rod with the cable.
INVENTORY: Look at the suitcase.
A box cutter, a screwdriver and electrical tape is added to inventory.
ENTER the train compartment. EXIT via door at rear right.
Go up the stairs at right to the gate at top left.
It's padlocked.
INVENTORY: Use the box cutter with the can.
A piece of aluminum is added to the inventory.
INVENTORY: Use the piece of aluminum with the padlock.
Watch the cutscene.
When Yesterday asks Henry why he should be allowed to live, choose "Higher Intelligence."
Henry has to tell the move of a single white piece that checkmates the Black King in one move. There are no wrong answers. Henry will explain why a move is wrong.
SOLUTION: There are three games.
First Answer: Bishop to E7
Second Answer: Pawn to G3
Third Answer: Bishop to E7
An NYC subway token is added to the inventory.
Boris is holding Henry hostage.
TALK to Boris about everything. He's an ex-stockbroker whose gone unhinged and keeps talking about his son Danny's birthday. Danny was killed at the Cadway Station long ago.
EXIT the compartment via door at rear right.
NOTE the broken pay phone on the pillar in the middle.
It needs a receiver, a keyboard and a coin.
TAKE the toy phone from the carton of toys at bottom left.
TAKE the electronic keyboard from the carton of toys.
TAKE the battery operated toy figure from the clutter at rear middle.
INVENTORY: Use the screwdriver with the toy figure.
INVENTORY: Use the batteries with the keyboard.
Keyboard is ready.
LOOK at the vending machine at front right.
Henry needs to extract the stuck coin.
INVENTORY: Use the NYC token with the coin.
The coin is added to the inventory.
INVENTORY: Use the box cutter with the toy phone.
The toy receiver is added to the inventory.
ENTER the train compartment.
INVENTORY: Use the toy receiver with Boris.
The real receiver is added to the inventory.
EXIT the compartment via door at rear right.
INVENTORY: Use the receiver with the pay phone.
INVENTORY: Use the keyboard with the pay phone.
Watch the cutscene.
CLICK the dashboard (front) of the van.
A key and matchbox are added to the inventory.
INVENTORY: Use the key with the rear doors of the van.
The van back is now open.
TAKE the gas can and baseball bat.
LOOK at the garbage can across the tracks at bottom right.
TAKE the rag from the can.
LOOK at the torn netting at the right of the garbage can.
TAKE some wires from the netting.
Try to enter the station. Cooper needs to make a torch.
INVENTORY: Use the rag with the bat.
INVENTORY: Use the gas can with the bat + rag.
INVENTORY: Use the matchbox with the soaked bat + rag.
ENTER the tunnel. Left platform.
TAKE the iron bar leaning against the middle pillar.
TAKE the electric cable in the rubble at left.
The train door is closed.
INVENTORY: Use the iron bar with the door.
ENTER the train compartment.
LOOK at the mannequin.
TAKE the toy receiver from the left pocket.
TAKE the bullets from the right pocket.
EXIT the compartment via door at rear right.
TAKE the basketball hoop on the pillar in the middle.
LOOK at the rubble blocking the door at rear right.
CLEAR the rubble.
The door is padlocked.
INVENTORY: Use the iron bar with the padlock.
ENTER the room.
Cooper needs to cross over to the other side.
INVENTORY: Use the basketball hoop with the cable.
INVENTORY: Use hoop + cable with the pipe at top middle.
TAKE the revolver from the cupboard.
TAKE the iron door at left.
INVENTORY: USE the iron door with the rod in the chasm.
USE the iron door to cross back to the platform.
INVENTORY: Use the revolver with the bullets.
GO UP the stairs to the door at top left.
Watch the cutscene.
Cooper has to save Henry.
INVENTORY: USE the revolver with Choke.
Watch the cutscene.
Watch the cutscenes. Yesterday finally reaches in hotel in Paris.
TAKE the notepad and pen from the desk at rear left.
TAKE the letter opener on the desk. It's very blunt.
LOOK at the three paintings above the desk.
Yesterday didn't try to commit suicide. Some people tried to murder him.
LOOK at the wall painting in the middle pillar left of the door.
There's a safe behind the painting.
Albert the valet has the contents of the safe.
Yesterday needs to remember the two word code.
LOOK at the bedside telephone.
TALK to mother, Henry, Albert.
Albert mentions extractor fan in bathroom not working the last time Yesterday was there.
TALK to mother again about father.
EXIT to the terrace at left.
LOOK at the table.
TAKE the welcome card.
INVENTORY: USE the letter opener with the horse head on railing.
EXIT the terrace. Return to the room.
ENTER the bathroom via the door in the middle.
TAKE the rosemary oil bottle at left.
TAKE the restorative hand cream.
LOOK at the cologne: like Henry's.
TAKE a bar of soap.
TAKE the towel hanging at right.
LOOK at the small grate on the ceiling.
INVENTORY: USE the letter opener with the grate.
INVENTORY: USE the towel with the extractor fan.
LOOK at the taps on the sink.
OPEN the hot water tap.
Voila! WORD#1 is ALCHEMY.
CLICK the reflection of the door in the mirror to exit the bathroom.
INVENTORY: Use the letter opener with the back of the painting which was covering the safe.
A welcome card, with the Eiffel Tower cut out, is added to the inventory.
EXIT to the terrace.
INVENTORY: Use the cut-out welcome card with real Eiffel Tower.
EXIT to the room.
USE the telephone to talk to Albert: Front Desk.
Tell him about the two words: ALCHEMY, REVOLUTION.
Watch the cutscene.
An envelope is added to the inventory.
INVENTORY: Look at the envelope.
A note about "The Evergreen, 1852" and swim goggles are added to the inventory.
LOOK at the telephone. CALL Henry.
"The Evergreen 1852" refers to a chess match. NOTE the word E7.
EXIT to the terrace.
LOOK at the control panel on the left wall.
SWITCH ON the jacuzzi / hot tub.
INVENTORY: Use the swim goggles with the hot tub.
An 8x8 square area is marked on the tiles.
INVENTORY: Use the Evergreen note with the tub.
INVENTORY: Use the letter opener with the tub.
A plastic wrapper is added to the inventory.
INVENTORY: Look at the plastic wrapper.
A key is added to the inventory.
EXIT the terrace. Return to the room.
INVENTORY: Use the key with the safe.
It contains a card of Le Tout Petit, an antique shop.
TALK to Pauline Petit about everything.
A key to the backroom is added to the inventory.
John needs to get Mr. Petit's journal.
TAKE the scissors from beside the sitting Buddha in the middle.
TAKE the loupe from the table with the lamps at bottom left.
TALK to Marcel Richard, draftsman, at front left.
TALK to the tourists at right.
LOOK at all the exhibits on the top level, trigger two memories.
NOTE the tapestry on De Orduna at the extreme right of top level.
Position of the alchemical items:
Top: (Salis) Salt
Left: Sulphur
Right: Mercurii (Mercury)
Bottom: Ignis (Fire)
INVENTORY: Use the key with the door named "Prive".
ENTER the backroom.
LOOK at the model of Notre Dame by the door. TOUCH it.
"The secret is in the facade", said Petit.
INVENTORY: Use the loupe with the model.
You have to use the loupe THRICE, for right, middle and left portions.
De Orduna, founder of the Order of the Flesh, had built a church with similar medallions in another country.
TAKE the lamp with oil from the shelf in the middle.
TAKE the cross hanging on the back wall.
TAKE the Satanic box of keys from the table at left.
TAKE the hexagonal wooden bar from the table at front middle.
LOOK at the hatch above Pauline's desk at rear right.
TAKE the ultraviolet light from the hatch.
NOTE that the hatch connects to the front of the store.
TAKE the table of alchemy symbols from the wall above the hatch.
NOTE the large cross in the middle of the room. It has four holes in it.
Yesterday needs to fit the small cross in the large cross.
But the holes are filled up.
INVENTORY: Use the Satanic box with the large cross.
INVENTORY: Use the table of alchemy symbols with the large cross.
Yesterday has to identify which four keys from the Satanic box fits the large cross. The table of alchemical symbols serves as reference for the keys. Remember the four items on the tapestry of De Orduna on the top level of the store? Those are the four keys.
SOLUTION: Top: Salt / Left: Sulphur / Right: Mercury / Bottom: Fire
Click here for the screenshot.
INVENTORY: Use the small cross with the large cross.
Watch the cutscene.
Yesterday has to find the scytale in the store and Boris at Happy Dale in New York.
Petit's diary is added to the inventory.
INVENTORY: Use the ultraviolet light with the diary.
The rubber band has something written on it.
INVENTORY: Use the scissors with the diary.
The rubber band is cut off and added to the inventory.
INVENTORY: Use the rubber band with the wooden stick.
THIS is a scytale, a system of coded messaging.
INVENTORY: Use the ultraviolet light with the scytale.
The scytale talks about the St. Fergus Church in Scotland.
Watch the cutscene.
OPEN the hatch above Pauline's desk.
The keys to the top level are added to the inventory.
INVENTORY: Use the lamp with oil with the door.
INVENTORY: Use the new keys with the top level door.
(Make sure you have oiled its hinges first!!!)
TAKE the katana from the samurai statue at left.
Watch the cutscene.
The hermit's name is Olhak Adirf. TALK to him about everything.
John needs to find a truth flower.
PLAY the hermit's game of finger-counting.
John needs to beat the hermit at the game.
TAKE the ladle from the water jar at right.
TAKE the katana from the yak-dragon statue at right.
INVENTORY: Use the katana with the window on the left wall.
Light is in, but so are shadows.
TALK to the hermit to play his game. Yesterday needs to guess the total count of fingers. You have to win the small vices i.e. screws.
SOLUTION: Add up John's fingers and hermit's fingers in the shadow.
Some screws are added to the inventory.
You can also win a tooth and a chicken, but they're useless.
EXIT the room via door at right. John in on the terrace.
INVENTORY: Use the razor to dislodge the metal monsterfaces from the door to the meditation room.
Some monsterfaces and screws are added to the inventory.
NOTE the round notches on the railing of the terrace.
EXIT via the doorway at right.
TAKE the rope from the sled by the doorway.
TAKE the planks at bottom left of screen.
INVENTORY: Use the monsterfaces with the planks.
EXIT to the terrace.
WALK to the south-east end of the terrace.
TAKE a sack of legumes from the stash by the wall.
TAKE a handful of corn kernels from the last sack.
INVENTORY: Use the plank with the bell log.
INVENTORY: Use the bag / sack with the log + plank.
John will automatically add all the sacks required to raise the log.
INVENTORY: Use the rope with the raised log.
USE the log with the bell.
Watch the cutscene.
Watch the cutscene.
Yesterday / Choke needs to save Boris.
TAKE the tires at the left of the screen.
EXIT to the left of the screen, to the chimney.
TAKE the circular saw from the garbage at right.
TAKE the canvas tent at left.
TAKE the surveyor's level from the tripod.
EXIT to the warehouse.
WALK right to the train yard.
INVENTORY: Use the tokens with the clamp on the fence gate.
The clamp is added to the inventory.
PULL the latch of the train compartment.
TAKE the packing tape from near the cartons at right.
TAKE the professional camera from the cartons at left.
TAKE the wooden beam from the tracks at left.
Exit the train yard. Go to the left of the warehouse.
INVENTORY: Use the camera with the tripod.
USE the camera + tripod.
Watch the cutscene.
INVENTORY: Use the circular saw with the beam.
INVENTORY: Use the clamp with the saw + beam.
INVENTORY: Use the fortified saw with the logo on the wall.
USE the small break in the logo to get to the roof.
TAKE the paint can and brush.
Yesterday needs to jump into the building.
But first he needs to protect the camera for the future.
INVENTORY: Use the camera with the tires.
INVENTORY: Use the camera + tires with the canvas.
INVENTORY: Use the camera packet with the packing tape.
INVENTORY: Use the paint can + brush to mark the packed camera.
INVENTORY: Use the packed camera with the building.
JUMP OFF the chimney.
Watch the cutscene.
Yesterday is now inside the warehouse.
TAKE the RCA cable from the single garbage can at left.
LOOK at the emergency box on the right pillar.
Yesterday needs to break the glass to get the axe.
INVENTORY: Use the the canvas with the emergency box.
The axe is added to the inventory.
WALK right to the incinerator / oven.
Something is burning inside.
LOOK at the locker at the left of the area. It's locked.
INVENTORY: USE the axe with the locker.
A plan for control panel switches is added to the inventory.
WALK to the control panel.
INVENTORY: Use the RCA cable with the Video Out point.
INVENTORY: Use the camera with the RCA cable.
PRESS the big red button to toggle through the security cameras.
CAM 6 shows Cooper and Boris.
LOOK at the screen - they are in a room with a generator.
INVENTORY: Use the plan with the control panel.
Switch F corresponds to the generator.
CLICK the switch F.
Watch the cutscene.
LOOK at the buttons in the middle.
PRESS the green button for the oven.
The oven door is now open.
Exit the control panel.
PRESS the red button by the door of the oven.
Yesterday needs a way to fight the fire.
INVENTORY: Use the canvas with the oven door.
Watch the cutscene.
Yesterday needs to dig the mound of dirt around the cross.
EXIT via right.
TAKE the scrub brush head from the gravestone at left.
LOOK at the broken medallions at the right of the gravestone.
This is the church referred to by the Order of the Flesh.
WALK right to where Pauline is.
TAKE the shovel, the iron pot, and all the bottles:
Vinegar, sulphur, mercury, cobalt, zinc, alcohol, gold dust and salt.
TALK to Pauline about everything, multiple times about the diary.
EXIT the scene. Go to the cross.
INVENTORY: Use the shovel with the ground in front of the cross.
A coin is added to the inventory.
INVENTORY: Use the scrub brush with the weeds on the cross.
Yesterday needs to clean the cross more.
EXIT the scene.
INVENTORY: Use the iron pot with the lake.
Pot + cold water is added to the inventory.
WALK to where Pauline is.
INVENTORY: Use the pot + cold water with the stove.
INVENTORY: Use the vinegar with the pot + cold water.
INVENTORY: Use the lighter with the stove.
TAKE the pot + hot vinegar water.
EXIT the scene. Go to the cross.
INVENTORY: Use the pot + hot vinegar water with the scrub brush.
INVENTORY: Use the scrub brush with the top of the cross.
INVENTORY: Use the salt with the top hole.
INVENTORY: Use the sulphur with the left hole.
INVENTORY: Use the knife with the right hole.
INVENTORY: Use the mercury with the right hole.
INVENTORY: Use the alcohol with the bottom hole.
INVENTORY: Use the lighter with the bottom hole.
Watch the cutscene.
There are no wrong answers to the Inquisitor's questions.
Watch the cutscene.
INVENTORY: Use the ladle to take honey from the left bowl.
TAKE a block of butter from the middle bowl.
TAKE the katana from the dragon-yak's mouth.
TALK to the hermit about everything.
EXIT the room.
GO right to the outside.
INVENTORY: Use the butter with the pulley at right.
INVENTORY: Use the katana with the bucket.
INVENTORY: Use the bucket with the stone carving with the icicles under the bridge.
INVENTORY: Use the katana with the dead plant by the door.
The soil is dug now.
EXIT to the terrace.
INVENTORY: Use the ladle + honey with a round hole in the railing.
INVENTORY: Use the corn with a round hole in the railing.
Watch the cutscene.
EXIT to the end of the terrace.
TAKE some more corn from the first sack by the wall.
EXIT to the terrace.
INVENTORY: Use the corn with a round hole in the railing.
Truth flower seeds are added to the inventory.
INVENTORY: Use the bucket with the incense burner.
The bucket + water is added to the inventory.
EXIT to the outside.
INVENTORY: Use the truth flower seeds with the hole.
INVENTORY: Use the bucket + water with the hole.
Watch the cutscene.
TALK to everyone about everything.
FINALE: You can choose to play as Cooper, Yesterday, Henry.
TALK to Henry. Answer Shot, Life.
Watch the finale.
TAKE the hot knife beside Yesterday's leg.
Watch the finale.
TALK to Yesterday about everything.
Watch the finale.
Ciao for now!
This is an original walkthrough written by me. Please do not distribute the text and images without my written consent.